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FLIP 2021 (Academic Project)

Team: Clara Gastelois e Mariana Firigato

This project is the result of the course "Design, History and Memory", managed by Profs. Priscila Farias, Marcos Braga and Eduardo Costa, from FAUUSP.


The group was asked to create a visual identity for a contemporary event while referencing historical materials through the observation of a Brazilian artist's visual style. This project was developed in pairs, but all the images attached above were created by me. 

We chose to work with the FLIP event (Festa de Literatura Internacional de Paraty) and, as a reference, we analyzed the work of the artist Glauco Rodrigues for Senhor magazine, published between 1959

and 1964. 

FLIP is organized annually and, at each edition, a Brazilian author is honored. For this project, which consisted of an imaginary edition of the event, we decided to pay hommage to Ariano Suassuna's work.


Our production was based on the reading of two short stories by the author, Os Homens de Barro and Farsa da Boa Preguiça.


In order to preserve the visual language of the Senhor magazine, we studied Glauco's chromatic palettes and illustration style, which were maintained in the icons designed for the project, elaborated in gouache paint. We also used the same typeface as the magazine to redesign the logo for the new Flip issue, based on Senhor's logo.

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